Children's Day Art Competition 2009

This year, 2009, Children's Day donated $8,537, towards prizes for Children's Art throughout Australia. $1,000 to Children's Hospital Foundations Australia. $500 donation from Dame Elizabeth Murdoch.

Laptops and Highly Commended Prizes were awarded to students from -

St Patrick's Primary School - NSW:
Floreen Yr. 4, Grace Yr. 4, Claire Yr. 4 / 5, Nathlene Yr. 4, Isabelle Yr. 1.

Hoxton Park Public - NSW:
Jasmine Yr. 6

Jubilee Primary School - QLD:
Lily Yr. 3, Mia Yr. 3, Madison Yr. 2

Australian Christian College - W.A.: Elana Yr. 4.

Michael and Shirley from Children's Day, would like to express appreciation to all the Principals, Teachers and Art Teachers for nurturing and encouraging Children's Art.

Thankyou to Tweed Unlimited Arts for displaying the Children's Artwork, at their Art and Craft Weekend.

Thank you to the Art Judges, Bev McNamara and Kerry Spence from Tweed Unlimited Arts, who performed a very difficult task in selecting the prize winners.

Thank you to Dame Elizabeth Murdoch for her kind donation and encouraging comments.

Click Here - to view pictures of the 2009 Children's Day Art Competition, Prizes & Prize winners


While the primary aim of the National Children's Day Art competition is to encourage children to develop their appreciation of Art, the main beneficiaries of the National Children's Day Art Competition - are children.